Animal Friends

Sharon riding Vanny

They were working on

patterns in the arena.

Sharon riding a Gold and White Palomino

Animal Friends

Ellis my first Seeing Eye dog

Ellis helped me to get over my snow skiing accident. I lost much strength and balance from hitting the tree. It was a 6 year journey getting back to reasonably competent mobility before getting Ellis and soon after regained my confidence.



Beep Baseball

The years I played Beep baseball were a blast. I developed friendships and memories that will last a lifetime.
I wish I could have known then how quick those days would come and go. We should cherishe them all. When you are living the moment as a young person you have no idea how fast life will fly by.
Enjoy the small things as they will be the memories you will cherish forever.

1983 World Series

Animal Friends

Aggie my third Seeing Eye dog

Aggie is my Tom Boy, she is always happy and loves people.

Aggie 55 pounds 23 inches tall,  thick and sturdy
Animal Friends

Ella my second Seeing Eye dog

2010 to 2019. She was a special girl. She loved to work. Ella was focused like no other.

Ella my second Seeing Eye dog
Ella was 48 pounds 24 inches tall and had a thin frame

Mac and Voiceover training Outline


Turn VO on  or off

Command F5

Keyboard help

VO + K

Review Accessibility options

Command + Option + F5

Acquiring information:

Read current Word

VO + W

Read current Line

VO + L

Overview of focused window

VO + F2

Describe item in VO cursor

VO + F3

Describe item with keyboard focus

VO + F4

Describe item in mouse cursor

VO + F5

VO speech adjustments

VO + Command + Shift + Arrow keys

VO Verbosity rotor

VO + V

VoiceOver Utilities:

VO + F8

Verbosity to Hints tab

Delay or uncheck hints

Repeat last prompt

VO + Z

Mac Commands:

Focus to Doc


Focus to Desktop

VO + Shift + D

From Desktop accessing the menu bar

VO + M

Accessing the Actions bar

VO + M twice

Configuring a WIFI connection

Track Pad:

Track Pad commander on

VO + Rotor right

Track Pad Commander off

VO + Rotor Left

Go to Doc

Two finger double tap bottom

Go to menu bar

2 finger double tap top

Open Application chooser

2 finger double tap left

Open window chooser

2 finger double tap right


2 finger flick right

Stop interacting

2 finger flick left


2 finger scrub back and forth

Read page from top

2 finger flick up

VO cursor to end

2 finger flick down

Pause or resume speaking

2 finger tap

Turn screen curtain on / off

3 finger triple tap

Mute or unmute VO

3 finger double tap

Jump to another area of current App

Control + single finger touch

Opening Safari from the Doc

Opening a URL

Command L

Navigation methods

view Safari menu

VO + M

Quitting a Program

Command + Q

Accessing the Apps folder

Command + Shift + A

Opening Text Edit and Safari from the Apps folder

Review menus for Text Edit and Safari

VO + M

Switching between Safari and Text Edit

Command + Tab

Navigating web content

Saving a Text Edit document to the Documents folder

Locating the document from the Docs folder, explaining the view options and introducing the context menu – right click (VO + Shift + M) then opening file from Text Edit

Closing Folders and Apps

Folders: Command W

Apps: Command Q

Performing a shut down



Cathy Ann on Main menu 2000

I completed the WordPress training with Cathy Ann today.

The amount of support I received during the 4 training modules was impressive.

I have always tried to follow her training philosophy.

They say emulating someone is the best complement.

I started following Cathy after listening to her and Jonathan back in 2000.
The training was provided on cassette tapes back then.


Voiceover Utilities lesson 1 audio

Voiceover utilities


Sonny Blair

You were a good husband to Diana and a fine father to Trey and Lukas. RIP


Training Outline Mac and Voiceover lesson 1

Turn VO on or off
Command F5

Keyboard help
VO + K

Review Accessibility options
Command + Option + F5

Acquiring information:

Read current Word
VO + W

Read current Line
VO + L

Overview of focused window
VO + F2

Describe item in VO cursor
VO + F3

Describe item with keyboard focus
VO + F4

Describe item in mouse cursor
VO + F5

speech adjustments
VO + Command + Shift + Arrow keys

VO Verbosity rotor
VO + V

VoiceOver Utilities:
VO + F8
Verbosity to Hints tab
Delay or uncheck hints

Repeat last prompt
VO + Z

Mac Commands:

Focus to Doc

Focus to Desktop
VO + Shift + D

From Desktop accessing the menu bar
VO + M

Accessing the Actions bar
VO + M twice

Configuring a WIFI connection

Track Pad:
Track Pad commander on
VO + Rotor right
Track Pad Commander off
VO + Rotor Left

Go to Doc
Two finger double tap bottom

Go to menu bar
2 finger double tap top

Open Application chooser
2 finger double tap left

Open window chooser
2 finger double tap right

2 finger flick right

Stop interacting
2 finger flick left

2 finger scrub back and forth

Read page from top
2 finger flick up

VO cursor to end
2 finger flick down

Pause or resume speaking
2 finger tap

Turn screen curtain on / off
3 finger triple tap

Mute or unmute VO
3 finger double tap

Jump to another area of current App
Control + single finger touch

Safari from the Doc

Opening a URL
Command L

Navigation methods
view Safari menu
VO + M

Quitting a Program
Command + Q

Accessing the Apps folder
Command + Shift + A

Opening Text Edit and Safari from the Apps folder

Review menus for Text Edit and Safari

VO + M
Switching between Safari and Text Edit
Command + Tab

Navigating web content
Saving a Text Edit document to the Documents folder

Locating the document from the Docs folder,
explaining the view options and introducing the context menu –
right click (VO + Shift + M) then opening file from Text Edit

Closing Folders and Apps
Folders: Command W
Apps: Command Q

Performing a shut down

E-mail address for accessibility at Apple