
Mac and Voiceover training Outline


Turn VO on  or off

Command F5

Keyboard help

VO + K

Review Accessibility options

Command + Option + F5

Acquiring information:

Read current Word

VO + W

Read current Line

VO + L

Overview of focused window

VO + F2

Describe item in VO cursor

VO + F3

Describe item with keyboard focus

VO + F4

Describe item in mouse cursor

VO + F5

VO speech adjustments

VO + Command + Shift + Arrow keys

VO Verbosity rotor

VO + V

VoiceOver Utilities:

VO + F8

Verbosity to Hints tab

Delay or uncheck hints

Repeat last prompt

VO + Z

Mac Commands:

Focus to Doc


Focus to Desktop

VO + Shift + D

From Desktop accessing the menu bar

VO + M

Accessing the Actions bar

VO + M twice

Configuring a WIFI connection

Track Pad:

Track Pad commander on

VO + Rotor right

Track Pad Commander off

VO + Rotor Left

Go to Doc

Two finger double tap bottom

Go to menu bar

2 finger double tap top

Open Application chooser

2 finger double tap left

Open window chooser

2 finger double tap right


2 finger flick right

Stop interacting

2 finger flick left


2 finger scrub back and forth

Read page from top

2 finger flick up

VO cursor to end

2 finger flick down

Pause or resume speaking

2 finger tap

Turn screen curtain on / off

3 finger triple tap

Mute or unmute VO

3 finger double tap

Jump to another area of current App

Control + single finger touch

Opening Safari from the Doc

Opening a URL

Command L

Navigation methods

view Safari menu

VO + M

Quitting a Program

Command + Q

Accessing the Apps folder

Command + Shift + A

Opening Text Edit and Safari from the Apps folder

Review menus for Text Edit and Safari

VO + M

Switching between Safari and Text Edit

Command + Tab

Navigating web content

Saving a Text Edit document to the Documents folder

Locating the document from the Docs folder, explaining the view options and introducing the context menu – right click (VO + Shift + M) then opening file from Text Edit

Closing Folders and Apps

Folders: Command W

Apps: Command Q

Performing a shut down


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