
Lessons from the wild

Back in the 1990s, I wrote a short story called Lessons from the Wild. Last year, I decided to transform that story into a song, bringing its message to life in a whole new way. Now, I’m taking the next step on this journey, researching how to create a video to pair with the song.

Lyrics are mine, Music by “Music AI” video draft from “Chat GPt”.


She is the one

Check out this song, I wrote the lyrics, but the music and voice came from AI.

While the results are cool, I can’t help but feel uncomfortable about how easy the process was.

It’s concerning to me how quickly technology like this could overshadow genuine creativity. For me, writing the words felt like such a small contribution, it’s hard to take much credit.

Although, besides writing the words there are ways to control the flow, using symbols, formatting, and annotations to provide structure and clarity.

I wonder what true musicians think about this. Does creating with AI stifle creativity? Or is it just another tool to push boundaries?


Country or City?

Beverly Hillbillies first show


I find myself wishing for a simpler time. I think I could have been happy living like Jed and Granny. Instead I have spent a lifetime in the city.
Longing for peace / quiet, a couple of horses and several more dogs!


Sayings of the week

“The happiest people don’t necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything they have.”

Managing your emotions
You can tell a lot about a man by the things that make him angry

I am not much but I am all I think about


Beep Baseball

The years I played Beep baseball were a blast. I developed friendships and memories that will last a lifetime.
I wish I could have known then how quick those days would come and go. We should cherishe them all. When you are living the moment as a young person you have no idea how fast life will fly by.
Enjoy the small things as they will be the memories you will cherish forever.

1983 World Series


Bible Study

I have been going to Bible study for about a year. The two thoughts that have influenced me the most are not sayings from the Bible, but words of wisdom from other men in the group.

I am not much, but I’m all I think about.
You can tell a lot about a man by the things that make him angry.


Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!


Microsoft Office

  • Word
  • Excel
  • PowerPoint
  • Outlook

Internet Explorer
Google Chrome


Skype accessibility hotkeys

I had planned on pasting text into this block. If not pasting I wanted to insert a file or audio. Could not figure out how to do

just yet.


OneNote and hotkeys

I just pasted lot’s of text from Word to this post.