Create a new document control + N
Open an existing document control + O
Save a document control + S
Print a document control + P
Undo the last edit command control + Z
Cut the selected text to the clipboard control + X
Copy the selected text to the clipboard control + C
Paste text from the clipboard into a document control + V
Select the entire document control + A
Search for specific words or phrases control + F
Find and replace specific words or phrases control + H
Go to a specific line paragraph or page control + G
Center text control + E
Left justify text control + L
Right justify text control + R
Justify text control + J
Change the point size of the font control + shift + P
Delete the current word control + delete
Delete the previous word control + backspace
Bold text control + B
Italicize text control + I
Underline text control + U
Check spelling or grammar F7
Name and save a document F12